Whilst writing my New Years wishes (yeah, I didn't make it for Christmas, again!)

And glanced through the pages of my old address book, that almost fell apart from old age...

Saw all those names and addresses...

Then I realized how life can change, or better to say, how you yourself can change...

Striking out the names of persons I never saw of heard from anymore, or the people who passed away in the meantime...

Het maakte me niet verdrietig, zo loopt het nou eenmaal, voegde ook weer namen en adressen toe...
It didn't made me sad, that's how it goes, added also some names and addresses...

Of people who are new into our lives...

And this way your little book will never end up empty, things just change...

Dáág 2011, ik heb zin in 2012!!!
The little old book has had it's best time, time for something new, a sweet little house sticked on with my most beautiful papers and in it our new life...
Bye bye 2011, I'm looking forward to 2012!!!
Ik wens iedereen een heel goed, gezond, gelukkig, liefdevol en creatief nieuw jaar toe!!! Vind het geluk in jezelf en de mensen om je heen, steek geen tijd in hopeloze of nutteloze zaken, zaken die nergens toe leiden, dat is gewoon zonde van je tijd!
I'm wishing you a very good, healthy, happy, loving and creative New Year!!!