On the doorstep of a new year

A new year to make a fresh start

A new year full of tender promisses

In this new year I wish you lots of love, happiness and health

With a huge dose of creativity
But above all lots of cosyness and enjoying each other

And who knows a little snow- and icefun!

I keep my "fireworks" simple and safe inside this year!

En nu ga ik eerst de hondjes uitlaten en daarna kruip ik lekker op de bank want dat gemene griepje heeft me toch te pakken gekregen, jak!
I wish you all well and I want to thank you again for all your heartwarming comments each and every time. Always full of enthusiasm, sometimes funny and even sometimes very touching. Sweet all of you: have a great old years eve and a great start for 2010!!!!!!!!!
And for now I'm gonna let the dogs out and after that I'll curl up on the couch cause that nasty flu has caught me after all, yak!
Oh en willen jullie nog meer rood zien op deze laatste Rednesday van het jaar, kijk dan eens bij Sue! Sue, weer bedankt voor het organiseren!
Oh, and do you wanna see more red on the last Rednesday of the year, take a look at Sue's blog! Sue, thanks again for hosting!