This week the meme is "this is... the contents of my handbag". Well, this is mine! I have to confess I had cleaned it up just a few days before! Thank you
Sharon for the this week's meme!

Last week I skipped the "This is... my demon". Sorry girls, but I was too busy with other things. But here it is! I've lots of demons, but I think my p.c. is the most worst of all! I spent too many hours behind the screen. It's an addiction, I know, but I love this demon!!!!
Thank you
Drewzel for this meme!
Well girls I've to warn you, this will be a long, very long post! So take a cup of tea or coffee and a bowl with sweet candy or a glass of wine or a bottle of beer and a bowl of crispy chips! But I will keep the talking short, I'll promise!
First of all: The Findings Of The Week:

A cute flowered tin, perfect to store a part of my lace collection. As well as, both functional and beautiful.

A few paintings for the wall in our bathroom. The little Bessie Peage-kind-of-illustration is completely embroidered. It's so sweet! The one with the dune-landscape is actually an itsybitsy ugly, but I love it's frame!

Further on I'm re-decorating Luuk's room. I found this baseball-glove completed with ball for just 2,50. I think this is really tough for a little boy! This is how his room looks now (I'm not finished yet, but these corners are ready I think):

Do you recognize the banner? I think it looks nice at the shelve. The collection old games, toys and children-books is growing and growing!

The fabric-banner is also hanging on his room. It looks really lovely. I also made a little shadowbox for my sweetie:

All you need is an old wooden box, nice patterned papers, a little bit of paint and cute little stuff. So, this is his room so far. I hope you liked it!
Today we (my 2 sisters Linda and Marianne and my friend Ina) went to the "Brocante-fair" in Berkhout. It was really fun, and of course I had to buy a few things!

I bought this trunk, and when it was full, I had to stop! I found lovely vintage cards (not really old, but newly made) , a bunch of cake-molds (over 20, for just 1,--!), vintage clothes pins, a wire-basket, a glassholder and a cute, old, little wooden puzzle. And everything has already found a place in my home:

I wrapped fine lace around the clothes pegs....

... hang the basket and some cake-molds in the kitchen....

..... put the other cakemolds in a glass jar and put a few glasses in the holder. It looks very nice on my kitchen-sink!

Only the trunk, the old zinc chest and the little puzzle are still standing at the staircase, ready to be brought upstairs.
And do you remember I won the first price with my Spring-banner? Well, this was in the box:

Lots and lots of scrap-stuff! Beautiful papers, flowers, tags, a cute little notebook and lots more! Thank you girls of
the Creative buzz, I love it all!

And this is my interpretation of the sketch:

I would love it, if you vote on my l.o. at
Lesli's blog!
Well girls, this is it for today! Have a nice and creative week!
Hugs Elly