This is one of my most favorite buyings of last week, a beautiful white and red tablecloth, and really old I think, I mean, who's marking his linen yet nowadays?

Look, here the initials and a number, I've no clue where that's for. And it costed me just 1,25!

And the little horse at the left matches perfectly with the other two pull-toys. I found it during one of my recent thriftstore-visits. Sometimes I absolutely can't find a thing, and other times I'm absolutely in luck! As you see, my egg-cabinet is hanging (well, for sometime now!), but I think I didn't show it before. This is a little wall in my kitchen and it fitted exactly. The styling is far from perfect, but it has to grow, with little things I find during my "trash"-huntings, like the wooden mushroom, or with little gifts like the cute dolly I received from Lili M.

And more old things, I bought them at the lovely store of Freekje. She has just started her webshop, but it's full of pretty things, so take a look! I bought the saucepan, the soup-ladle and the cute dish decorated with red flowers, all made of red/white enamel. As a sweet little gift she gave me this soap, wrapped in the cutiest polka dotted fabric!

And look, it already found a place in my kitchen! I believe the rack is really full now!
Something new

And I noticed that you think along with me! So Marja told me about gorgeous polka dotted stoneware, for sale at V and D. And so I went to V and D and really loved it, but... it was the wrong color red for me (yèèè I know, I'm a pain in the ass!), but I discovered at that same store this cute polka dotted stoneware, in the right color red! And when I wanted to pay, I saw this adorable tablecloth in the sales-box. Oh and the mugs were so pretty, for 1,25 a piece I couldn't resist!

And Annemiek wrote me that the Hema had red and white polka dotted vases, but they were already sold out! But.... I always can find something nice at that store, like this beautiful embroidered cushion. So I don't need to embroider any more, hey, hey! But I love redwork, I want to try it myself also someday!
Eindelijk heeft m'n mannetje deze lampen opgehangen! Ze waren al bijna niet nieuw meer, hahaha!!! Ik vind ze echt geweldig!

Finally my hubby hanged up these lamps! They almost weren't new anymore, hey, hey, hey!!! I really love them!
Happy papers

Dit zijn sneakjes van de hele stapel nieuw binnen te komen papiertjes die ik mee gekregen heb van Simpel Scrappen. Nog niet verkrijgbaar maar ik mag er alvast mee werken voor de volgende uitgave van het Scrapbookmagazine (juni/juli) en om voorbeelden mee te maken voor de winkel.
En ik zou niks kopen, maar kijk nou toch! Allemaal schattige bloemetjes en dito bolletjeslintjes! Die zijn nu dus van mij!
And I wouldn't buy anything, but look at this! All kinds of lovely flowers and cute pompomribbons! They're mine now!
Lovely felt
Ik kon niet wachten tot deze pakketjes uit gebracht zouden worden door Atelier Sterre! Ik lag nog net niet op de stoep! En weer ben ik er helemaal verliefd op! Ze moeten nog eventjes wachten, want deze week wordt weer druk! Helpen in de winkel van m'n zusje (heel leuk!) en poetsen in huis (iets minder leuk!) en m'n verjaardag vieren vrijdag (weer een jaar ouder! Ach toch wel leuk!). Maar na die tijd ga ik weer los! Genoeg leuke dingen te doen!
Happy papers

Zo te zien wordt het een vrolijk scrap-seizoen! Ik heb er zin in!
These are sneaks of the whole bunch of new coming papers I got from Simpel Scrappen. Not available yet, but I've to use them for the upcoming issue of the Scrapbookmagazine (june/july) and for examples for the store. Looks like it will become a happy scrap-season! I like it!

And I wouldn't buy anything, but look at this! All kinds of lovely flowers and cute pompomribbons! They're mine now!
Lovely felt

I couldn't wait till these adorable kits were available at Atelier Sterre! And again I'm totally in love with them! But they'll have to wait, cause I've a busy week! Helping my sister at her store (very nice!), cleaning the house (less nice!) and celebrating my birthday coming friday (again a year older! Though it's nice!). But after this week I'm gonna craft! Lots of nice things to do!
Maar nu ga ik heerlijk relaxen, met deze stapel prachtige bladen onder handbereik! De Country Living, de Handmade en een prachtige uitgave van Somerset die speciaal voor me meegenomen is door Carla uit Amerika! Wat een inspiratie allemaal!
For now I'm gonna relax, with this pile of magazines in my reach area! The Country Living, the Handmade and a gorgeous edition of Somerset, especially brought for me from the USA by Carla! What an inspiration!
Have a nice sunday! Hugs,

For now I'm gonna relax, with this pile of magazines in my reach area! The Country Living, the Handmade and a gorgeous edition of Somerset, especially brought for me from the USA by Carla! What an inspiration!
Have a nice sunday! Hugs,